Compendium of Vendors of the Equipment...
Vendors/sub-vendors approved by POWERGRID have been updated in the list of Compendium. Contractor/OEMs may choose vendors/sub vendors after their own assessment to ensure that product being procured, from the list of Compendium, meets the technical specifications, Qualifying requirements(if applicable)/ other requirements as per relevant contract of POWERGRID.
The “Compendium of Vendors” include the manufacturers located in India and abroad and for the items which are inspectable by POWERGRID against award placed by Corporate Centre.
Some components which are sometimes procured directly by site are also included.
Information provided in “Compendium of Vendors” are as per the information available with POWERGRID. All efforts have been made regarding correctness of the informations provided. However, any inadvertant mistake may be corrected / modified on request from the concerned manufacturer after verification of related documents.
The contact information has been provided for the purpose of ready reference only. In case of any change, the manufacturers are required to provide information to POWERGRID for incorporation of corresponding changes in “Compendium of Vendors”. POWERGRID, will, in no way be responsible on this account.
POWERGRID reserves the right to remove the name of a manufacturer from "Compendium of Vendors", who has not supplied to POWERGRID or POWERGRID representative have not visited their works for more than two consecutive years. In case, any manufacturer has not supplied for more than two years, their MQP/Vendor approval shall be validated only after process audit by POWERGRID. Main contractor to ensure that order is placed on any such sub-vendor only after verifying the validity of vendor approval & MQP approval as applicable.
Any manufacturer who has been approved by POWERGRID for an item which is inspectable by POWERGRID and has supplied to POWERGRID projects with in last two years, but not appearing in the list, may approach POWERGRID with documentory evidence, for the purpose of inclusion in the list.
Any change in the name, merger, de-merger of the company / manufacturer shall promptly be reported to POWERGRID with all related documents for incorporation in “Compendium of Vendors”. POWERGRID shall not be held responsible on this account.
This Compendium of Vendors shall be read in conjunction with Government of India Circular F. No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23/07/2020 and its subsequent amendments regarding Public Procurement from the countries which share land border with India.
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