Poster Presentation Session shall be held on 10th and 11th March 2025. Each paper shall be presented in poster format in a 2-hour duration. Exact schedule of posters along with screen numbers shall be informed by 7th March 2025.
Following points may be noted for poster presentation
- Each author will be provided with a portrait format vertical screen (16:9 resolution in portrait format) and a laptop for her/his presentation,.
- Presenting authors should provide their presentation in advance for screen compatibility checks. Authors may be asked for some adjustments or corrections, in case of incompatibility/ display issues
- Deadline for uploading your presentation is February 28th, 2025 on ConfTool. Please be aware that the deadline should be strictly observed.
- Please note that there will be not possibility for speakers, to plug in directly on the GRIDCON IT system for security reason. Presentation can be uploaded only on the GRIDCON ConfTool portal.
- There will be no Paper boards, each presentation should be in PPTX file portrait format.
- Naming convention for your presentation file is PaperID_PSX_LastName.pptx
- Each presentation should be 3 slides maximum.
- Authors are strongly encouraged to prepare attractive presentations for a lively discussion (Figures more appropriate than text). Background colors should be also avoided.
- We wish to remind authors that it is a GRIDCON Poster and consequently should not be misused as advertisement for the companies or products. Company logos can be used, but should not be conspicuous, and should appear only once on each slide. No link to external websites will be allowed in the presentation
- The size of the fonts could be:
- title: Calibri, 11 pt., fat, max. 2 lines
- name(s) of author(s) and institution(s): Calibri, 8 pt.;
- separate lines for author(s) and institution(s)
- headlines: Calibri, 10 pt., fat; it is recommended to use the given headlines
- text: Calibri, 6-7 pt., interspace: 6.8 pt. previous to each bullet point
Thank you very much for your participation!